Publicerede artikler

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Undersøgelsens resultater er meget vigtige for at kunne forebygge psykisk sygdom i fremtiden, udvikle nye behandlinger og få bedre forståelse for sygdom og sundhed.

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Artikler udgivet i 2024

> Inflammatoriske markører, somatiske klager, brug af medicin og kontakt til sundhedssystemet hos 11-årige børn i familiær risiko for skizofreni eller bipolar lidelse: “Inflammatory markers, somatic complaints, use of medication and health care in 11-year-old children at familial high risk of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder compared with population based controls – VIA 11″

> Undersøgelse af forholdet mellem attributionsstil målt i virtual reality og mobning hos børn i familiær risiko for skizofreni eller bipolar lidelelse: “Exploring the relationship between attributional style measured in virtual reality and bullying among children at familial high risk of skizophrenia or bipolar disorder compared with controls” 

Artikler udgivet i 2023

> Affektlabilitet hos forældre med skizofreni eller bipolar lidelse og deres medforældre: “Affective lability in parents with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder and their co-parents – The Danish High Risk and Resilience Study VIA 7

> Arbejdshukommelse fra 7-11 år: “Working memory heterogeneity from age 7 to 11 in children at FHR-SZ or FHR-BP”

> Eksekutiv kontrol og associeret hjerneaktivitet hos børn med familiær risiko for skizofreni og bipolar lidelse: “Executive Control and Associated Brain Activity in Children With Familial High-Risk Schizophrenia or Bipolar Disorder: A Danish Register-based Study”

> Forringet motorisk udvikling hos børn med familiær risiko for skizofreni og bipolar lidelse: “Impaired Motor Development in Children with Familial High Risk of Schizophrenia or Bipolar Disorder and the Association with Psychotic Experiences: A 4-year Danish Observational Follow-up Study”

> Hår kortisolskoncentration og opfattet stress hos 7-årige: Hair cortisol concentrations and perceived stress in 7-year-old children at FHR-SZ or FHR-BP”

> Pubertetsudvikling, kønshormonniveauer og sammenhængen mellem modgang tidligt i livet og accelereret udvikling hos 11-årige: “Pubertal timing, sex hormone levels, and associations between early life adversity and accelerated development amongst 11-year-old children of parents with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder and controls: The Danish high risk and Resilience study via 11″ 

> Selvmordstanker og selvskade efter psykotiske oplevelser i barndommen: “Suicidal ideation and non-suicidal self-injury following childhood PE in preadolescent children at FHR-SZ or FHR-BP – VIA 11″

> Tilknytningsrepræsentationer hos 7-årige børn med familiær risiko for skizofreni og bipolar lidelse: “Attachment representations in 7-year-old children at familial high risk of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder: Associations with mental disorders and daily functioning” 

> Udviklingen i eksekutive funktioner hos børn med familiær risiko for skizofreni og bipolar lidelse: “The development in rating-based executive functions in children at FHR-SZ or FHR-BP from age 7 to age 11″

Artikler udgivet i 2022

> Associationer mellem tidlige risiko faktorer og funktionsniveau: “Associations between early risk factors and level of functioning – VIA 7″

> Emotionsregulering hos 7-årige: “Emotion regulation in 7-year-old children with familial high risk for schizophrenia or bipolar disorder compared to controls – The Danish High Risk and Resilience Study – VIA 7, a population-based cohort study”

> Et familie-baseret studie af genetiske og epigenetiske faktorer: “A family-based study of genetic and epigenetiv effects across multiple neurocognitive, motor, social-cognitive and social-behavioural functions”

> Forhastede beslutninger og dets association til psykotiske oplevelser: “Jumping to conclusions and its association with psychotic experiences in preadolescent children at familial high risk of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder – The danish high risk and resilience study, VIA 11″ 

> Genetisk assortativ parring: “Genetic assortative mating for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder”

> Neurokognitiv heterogenitet hos 7-årige højrisiko børn: “Neurocognitive heterogeneity in 7-year-old children at familial high risk of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder: The Danish High Risk and Resilience Study – VIA 7″

> Neurokognitive subgrupper fra 7-11 år: “Neurocognitive subgroups in children at familial high-risk of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder: Subgroup membership stability or change from age 7 to 11 – The Danish High Risk and Resilience Study”

> Neurokognitiv udvikling hos børn: “Neurocognitive development in Children at familial high risk of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder”

> Oplevelser af hjælpeløshed og frygt hos omsorgspersoner: “Experiences of helplesness and fear among caregivers diagnosed with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder”

> Strenghts and difficulties spørgeskema er af klinisk signifikans i forhold til emotionelle og adfærdsmæssige problemer hos 7-årige: The strenghts and difficulties questionnaire is of clinical significance regarding emotional and behavioral problems in 7-year old children with familial risk of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder and population based controls

> Studie protokol for VIA 15: “The danish high risk and resilience study VIA 15 – a study protocol”

> Tidlig barndoms neurokognition i relation til mellem barndoms psykotiske oplevelser: “Associations between exposure to early childhood adversities and middle childhood psychotic experiences in children at familial high risk of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and population-based controls: The Danish high risk and resilience study – VIA 7 and VIA 11”

> Transmission af intelligens, arbejdshukommelse og forarbejdningshastighed: “Transmission of intelligence, working memory, and processing speed from parents to their seven-year-old offspring is function specific in families with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder”

> Traumer i barndommen hos 7- og 11-årige højrisiko børn: “Childhood trauma in children at familial high risk of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder – VIA 7 and VIA 11″

> Udvikling af og kliniske outcomes ved tidlige psykotiske oplevelser hos preteens: Developmental Pathways and Clinical Outcomes of Early Childhood Psychotic Experiences in Preadolescent Children at Familial High Risk of Schizophrenia or Bipolar Disorder: A Prospective, Longitudinal Cohort Study – The Danish High Risk and Resilience Study, VIA 11″

> Udvikling af social responsiveness og theory of mind: “Development of social responsiveness and theory of mind – VIA 11″

> Ulemper på tværs af forskellige domæner hos grupper af højrisikobørn: Accumulation of Disadvantages Across Multiple Domains Amongst Subgroups of Children of Parents With Schizophrenia or Bipolar Disorder: Clustering Data from the Danish High Risk and Resilience Study VIA 7″

> Undersøgelse af selektion bias: “Examining selection bias in a population-based cohort study of 522 children with familial high risk of schixophrenia or bipolar disorder and controls: The Danish High Risk and Resilience Study VIA 7″

Artikler udgivet i 2021

> Social kognition og sprogs heterogenitet hos 7-årige højrisiko børn: “Heterogeneity of social cognitive and language functions in children at familial high risk of severe mental illness; The Danish High Risk and Resilience Study VIA 7”

> Assortative mating hos personer med skizofreni og bipolar sygdom: “A Nationwide Cohort Study of Nonrandom Mating in Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder”

> Tilpasning efter fejl hos 7-årige højrisiko børn: “Post-error adjustment among children aged 7 years with a familial high risk of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder: A population-based cohort study”

> Udvikling af visuel opmærksomhed hos højrisiko børn fra 7 til 12 år: Development of visual attention from age 7 to age 12 in children with familial high risk for schizophrenia or bipolar disorder” 

> Fysisk aktivitet og søvn hos 11-årige højrisiko børn: “Physical Activity and Sleep in 11-Year Old Children With a Familial High Risk of Schizophrenia or Bipolar Disorder. The Danish High Risk and Resilience Study – VIA 11″

> Hjemmemiljø hos 11-årige højrisiko børn: “Home environment of 11-year-old born to parents with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder – a controlled, 4-yeard follow-up study: The Danish High Risk and Resilience Study VIA 11”

> Psykisk sygdom hos 11-årige højrisiko børn: “Mental disorders in preadolescent children at familial high-risk of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder – a four-year follow-up study”

> Undersøgelse om associationen mellem forældres psykiske sygdom og børnenes psykopatologi medieret af hjemmemiljø samt omsorgsgiverens psykosociale funktion: “Is the Association Between Parents’ Mental and Child Psychopathology Mediated via Home Environment and Caregiver’s Psychosocial Functioning? A Mediation Analysis of the Danish High Risk and Resilience Study – VIA 7, a Population-Based Cohort Study”

> Kønsforskelle på tværs af forskellige domæner hos højrisiko børn: “Sex differences across developmental domains among children with a familial risk of severe mental disorders”


Artikler udgivet i 2020


> Eksekutive funktioner hos 7-årige højrisiko børn: “Executive functions in 7-year-old children of parents with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder compared with controls: The Danish High Risk and Resilience Study – VIA 7, a population-based cohort study”

> Association mellem genetisk disposition og impressivt sprog: “Quantitative genome wide association analyses of receptive language in the Danish High Risk and Resilience Study”

> Psykotiske oplevelser hos 7-årige højrisiko børn: “Psychotic experiences in seven-year-old children with familial high risk of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder in: The Danish High risk and resilience Study – VIA 7; A population-based cohort study”

> Beslutningstagning og dets associationer med neuro-kognitive funktioner, psykopatologi og hjemmemiljø hos 7-årige højrisiko børn: “Decision making and its associations to neurocognitive functions, psychopathology, and the home environment in seven-year-old children at familial high risk of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder: The Danish High Risk and Resilience Study VIA 7”


Artikler udgivet i 2019


> Polygenetisk risiko og sprogforstyrrelser hos børn med udviklingsmæssig sprogforstyrrelse, ADHD og autisme: “Language Deficits in Specific Language Impairment, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, and Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Analysis of Polygenic Risk”

> Lugt-identifikation hos 7-årige højrisiko børn: ”Odor Identification in 7-year-old children at familial high risk of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder – the Danish high risk and resilience study VIA 7”

> Livskvalitet og selvværd hos 7-årige højrisiko børn: “Quality of life and self-esteem in 7-year-old children with familial high risk of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder: the Danish High Risk and Resilience Study – VIA 7 – a population-based cohort study”

> Hjemmemiljø hos børn i VIA 7: “Home visits in the Danish High Risk and Resilience Study – VIA 7: assessment of the home environment of 508 7-year-old children born to parents diagnosed with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder”

> Visuel opmærksomhedsfunktion hos højrisiko børn: “Visual attention in 7-year-old children at familial high risk of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder: The Danish high risk and resilience study VIA 7”

> Social kognition, sprog og social adfærd hos høj-risiko børn: “Social Cognition, Language, and Social Behavior in 7-Year-old Children at Familial High-Risk of Developing Schizophrenia or Bipolar Disorder: The Danish High risk and resilience Study VIA 7 – A Population-Based Cohort Study”


Artikler udgivet i 2018


> Studieprotokol – VIA 11: ”The Danish High Risk and Resilience Study—VIA 11: Study Protocol for the First Follow-Up of the VIA 7 Cohort −522 Children Born to Parents With Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders or Bipolar Disorder and Controls Being Re-examined for the First Time at Age 11”

> Neuro-kognitiv funktion hos 7-årige højrisiko børn: “Assessment of Neurocognitive functions in 7-year-old Children at Familial High Risk for Schizophrenia or Bipolar Disorder”

> Vedvarende opmærksomhed og kognitiv kontrol hos 7-årige højrisiko børn: ”Sustained Attention and Interference Control Among 7-Year-Old Children with a Familial High Risk of Schizophrenia or Bipolar Disorder – A Nationwide Observational Cohort Study”

> Psykopatologi hos 7-årige højrisiko børn: ”Psychopathology in 7-year-old children with familial high risk of developing Schizophrenia spectrum psychosis or bipolar disorder – The Danish High Risk and Resilience Study – VIA 7, a population-based cohort study”


Artikler udgivet i 2017


> Motorisk funktion hos 7-årige højrisiko børn: ”Impairments of motor function among children with a familial risk of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder at 7 years old I Denmark: an observational study”


Artikler udgivet i 2015

> Studieprotokol – VIA7: The Danish High Risk and Resilience Study – VIA 7 – study protocol


Andre publicerede artikler med forfattere tilknyttet VIA-undersøgelsen



> Review: Ændringer i opgave-relateret hjerne-aktivering hos højrisiko børn: “Alterations in Task-Related Brain Activation in Children, Adolescents and Young Adults at Familial High-Risk for Schizophrenia or Bipolar Disorder – A Systematic Review”


> Registerstudie: Undersøgelse af, om associationen mellem børns intelligens og forældres uddannelsesniveau er influeret af skizofreni og affektive lidelser: “Is the association between offspring intelligence and parents’ educational attainment influenced by schizophrenia or mood disorder in parents?”

> Registerstudie: Forekomst af psykiske lidelser hos børn og unge mellem 0-17 år, som har forældre med svær psykisk sygdom: ”Incidence of child and adolescent mental disorders in children aged 0-17 with familial high risk for severe mental illness – A Danish register study”


> Review: Sammenhæng mellem motorisk deficit og endofænotype for skizofreni: “Research Review: Do motor deficits during development represent an endophenotype for schizophrenia? A meta-analysis”


Andre VIA-dokumenter

> Baggrund for VIA 7 og VIA 11 samt en beskrivelse af undersøgelsesdesignet


Populærvidenskabelige artikler og podcasts


> Kronik: ”Psykisk sygdom behøver ikke at gå i arv”. Bragt i Politiken af professor og projektansvarlig læge, Anne Thorup.

> Artikel: ”Når mor eller far har en psykisk sygdom, påvirker det hele familien”. Bragt i Sundhedsplejersken af professor og projektansvarlig læge, Anne Thorup.

> Podcast: ”Børn kan få hjælp, når far eller mor lider af alvorlig psykisk sygdom”. Episode bragt i Videnskabens Veje.

> Podcast: ”Familiens Hemmelighed”. Episode bragt i Psykens Detektiver.

> Podcast: ”Det bliver i familien”. Episode bragt i Brinkmanns Briks. 


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VIA undersøgelsen
Gentofte Hospital
Gentofte Hospitalsvej 15, 1. sal
2900 Hellerup

VIA undersøgelsen
Gentofte Hospital
Gentofte Hospitalsvej 15, 4. sal
2900 Hellerup

VIA undersøgelsen
Aarhus Universitetshospital
Børglumvej 5, 1. sal
8240 Risskov

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